Page 5 - e-brochures about the Oki Islands 2024
P. 5

                                                                               Explore      KI ISLANDS
               GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                  05

                                                                                       By Ferry and
                                                                                       Fast Ferry
                                                                                 ree Oki Kisen ferries and one
                                                                                fast ferry (hydrofoil) operate
                                                                                from Shichirui Port (Shimane
                                                                                Prefecture) and Sakaiminato
                                                             DŌGO               Port (Tottori Prefecture). Both
                                                                                ports are easily reached by con-
                              Access to                                         nection buses departing from

                                                                                Matsue Station and Sakaimina-
                         the Oki Islands                                        to Station.  e timetable chang-
                                                                                es depending on the season.  e
                         Oki Islands can be accessed            Saigō Port      trip to the islands takes around
                              by ferry and plane.                               2-3 hours by ferry, and around

                                                       Oki Islands              70 min by fast ferry. Travel time
                                                   Global Geopark
                                    DŌZEN                 Airport               varies by destination island.

                                 Port          Hishiura                                By Plane
                                                                                 ere is only one airport in the
                                                                                Oki Islands and it is located in
               Travel Between            Kurii
               the Islands               Port                                   Okinoshima Town (Dōgo
                                                     Shichirui                  Island).  ere are daily, direct
        Small inter-island ferries are the             Port
        most convenient mode of transport                                        ights from Izumo Airport
        between the three smaller islands.                                      (Shimane Prefecture) and Itami
                                               Sakaiminato         Yonago       Airport (Osaka).
         ey run from morning until eve-               Port         Kitaro
        ning, and are widely used by local
        residents in their daily lives.            Matsue            Yonago
         e trip between Okinoshima     Enmusubi         Ochiai
        Town (Dōgo Island) and the other   Airport        JCT
        islands can be made by the same                                      OSAKA    TOKYO
        ferries and fast ferry that connect                       Okayama
        the islands to mainland Japan.

        Okinoshima Town
        (Dōgo Island)
                                               Annual Temperatures                                    °C
          Population: 13,600                                                                          °F
          Area: 242.82 km²
                                                                 Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Npv  Dec
           e biggest of the archipelago,                         7.8  8.2 11.3 16.6 20.8 24.1 27.6 29.8 25.9 21.1 15.9 10.9
          this island has the most diverse    Average Daily Max.
          scenery—charming coastlines,                           46  48.8 52.3 61.9 69.4 75.4 81.7 85.6 78.6 70.0 60.6 51.6
          forested mountains, some of         Average Daily      4.2  4.3  6.9  11.9 16.3 20.1 24.2 26.0 22.0 16.5 11.6  7.1
          which are 500–600 m high, as        Temperature       39.6 39.7 44.4 53.4 61.3 68.2 75.6 78.8 71.6 61.7 52.9 44.8
          well as  at plains used for farm-
          ing, and several rivers.            Average Daily Min.  0.9  0.6  2.4  6.9  11.8 16.5 21.4 22.8 18.4 12.1  7.4  3.4
                                              Temperature       33.6 33.1 36.3 44.4 53.2 61.7 70.5 73.0 65.1 53.8 45.3 38.1
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10