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Rent-a-car (Ama Town, Nakanoshima Island)

  • Area

    • Ama Town
  • Genre

    • Rent-a-Cycle & Rent-a-Car
    More freedom of sightseeing in Ama Town!
    The Ama Town Tourist Association, located on the first floor of the Hishioura Port Kinya-Monya Center, offers light vehicles and electrically power assisted bicycles for rent as a means of transportation around the island.
    Please enjoy the freedom of touring around the island without being tied down by time.

    The rent-a-car service in Ama Town is operated by Ama Town Tourism Association (inside Hishiura Ferry Terminal).
    There are eight cars available. Prior booking is highly recommended. All rental cars are four seater cars. Prices start from JPY 5,000 for three hours.
    Please use the English booking form or contact the tourism association by phone (Japanese language only) for booking.

    Ama Town Tourism Association Contact Info:
    *To rent a car in Japan, you will need either an international driving permit or a translation of your driver's license. Please check the rules that apply to your situation and prepare beforehand.

    Basic information

    Price details
    A Compact Car
    ・by 3 hours : JPY 5,000
    ・by 6 hours:JPY 6,000
    ・by 12 hours : JPY 7,000
    ・by 24 hours:JPY 8,000
    After that, it will be JPY 7,000 per day.
    An additional fee of JPY 1,000 will be charged for each hour exceeding the contracted rental time.

    A Standard Car
    ・by 3 hours : JPY 6,000
    ・by 6 hours:JPY 7,000
    ・by 12 hours : JPY 8,000
    ・by 24 hours:JPY 9,000

    After that, it will be JPY 8,000 per day.
    An additional fee of JPY 1,000 will be charged for each hour exceeding the contracted rental time.

    Child seat: JPY 1,000
    Booster seat: JPY 500
    Meeting place
    1F, Hishiura Port Ferry Termial
    Additional notes
    ※ All prices include tax.
    ※ Available car models are compact cars (Wagon R) and standard cars (Solio) only.
    ※ Rental and return services are available only at the Ama Town Tourist Association. Please make sure to return the vehicle during the operating hours.
    ※ We do not offer rentals for transporting fishing gear or coolers containing fish.
    ※ The displayed rates include a package that exempts customers from bearing certain expenses in case of accidents.
    (Covered: punctures, minor damages, compensation for business interruption due to accidents, etc., related to insurance expenses in case of accidents)
    (Not covered: compensation exceeding the insurance guarantee amount, compensation for damage or odor)

    Ama Town Tourism Association

