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04 Discover the Oki Islands With a Local Guide

The tour guides on the Oki Islands, each with their unique expertise, are all professionals.
A tour with them will take you on a journey through time of the Oki Islands.


  1. Introduction
  2. Meet the Guides
  3. Guide Companies


The tours are designed to present to you the “geohistory”, “unique ecosystem” and “lifestyles and traditions” of the Oki Islands, and the fact that the storytellers are all inhabitants of the islands just make the tours more appealing.

The local guides will ensure that travelers who came all the way here will go home with a better understanding of the islands. From the overwhelming dynamism of the Earth to the small daily rituals passed down generations, there are many things that one simply cannot understand merely by looking. By joining a guided tour, the scenery in front of you becomes more vivid, and details become more visible.

You can enjoy the sea and mountains to your heart’s content.

Don’t worry even if it’s your first time taking part in these activities! With a guide, you can safely experience the ever-evolving landscape of the Oki Islands.

You can experience the “now” of the islands.

Behind the scenery in front of you is a story woven from 6 million years of history and culture. The unique commentary from the tour guide will make the scenery even more flamboyant and interesting.

You can visit places that you can’t go on your own.

Among the many locations where our guides will bring you to, some are special sites where Oki’s diverse flora and fauna reside and grow. With a guide, you can appreciate the rich nature and learn about the importance of being benign to the environment.

Meet the Guides

Here are our professionals on the Dōzen Islands (Ama Town, Nishinoshima Town, Chibu Village) and Dōgo Island (Okinoshima Town). They know the best!

Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark Certified Geopark Guides

Takayuki FUKUDA

Language: English
Affiliation: NPO Oki Shizen Mura
Area: Ama Town, Nishinoshima Town, Chibu Village
Specialty: Cycling, Hiking & Trekking, Marine Sports

Taka studied zoology and botany, with a focus on environmental studies, in Tasmania. Fascinated by the deep connection between people and nature here on the Oki Islands, Taka moved to the islands in 2014. Utilising his qualifications as an environmental restoration specialist and taxonomist, he works as a tour guide, instructor of environmental education and surveyor of animal populations.

Read an interview and get to know Taka


Language: French, Portuguese, English
Affiliation: Chiburijima Tourism Association
Area: Chibu Village, Ama Town, Nishinoshima Town
Specialty: Sekiheki (Red Cliff) Sightseeing Boat, Marine Sports, Cycling

-“I would like to guide everyone so that they can enjoy the nature of the Oki Islands and make wonderful memories.”
David originally hails from Lyon, France, and moved to the Oki Islands in 2016. His passion lies in showing the wonderful nature and beautiful sea of the Dōzen area, as well as the island culture and people’s way of life. David is a certified Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark Foreign Language Guide, SUP instructor (SIJ Badge Level 2 and SIJ Instructor Level 1), Nature Experience Activity Instructor (Leader), Red Cross lifeguard and first-aider.

Read an interview and get to know David


Language: English
Affiliation: Freelance
Area: Okinoshima Town
Specialty: Hiking & Trekking, Marine Sports, Townscape Walking Tours

After finishing her studies in marine tourism in Australia, Tomoko became a tour guide and a researcher related to wildlife, such as whale sharks. After returning to Japan, she worked as a kayak guide before relocating to the Oki Islands. In addition to working as a mountain-and-water-based tour guide, she is also an ama diver. Living her life in harmony with nature, Tomoko’s tours will make you addicted to the charms of the Oki Islands.


Language: French
Affiliation: Chiburijima Tourism Association
Area: Chibu Village
Specialty: Bus Tour Guide, Sekiheki (Red Cliff) Sightseeing Boat

Native of Chibu Village, Chisato worked in the kimono industry in Kyoto for nine years. She then moved to France and stayed for two and a half years. The differences between the French and Japanese languages sparked not only her interest in her people but also in her roots. She is a highly skilled guide, dedicated to gathering information about the birth of Chiburijima Island and the history of the islanders. Chisato’s hobbies are knitting, crocheting and drawing. She has also obtained Level 2 in the Test in Practical French Proficiency (equivalent to DELF B1).


Language: English
Affiliation: terra bouquet
Area: Ama Town, Nishinoshima Town, Chibu Village
Specialty: Cycling, Hiking & Trekking, Townscape Walking Tours

With questions such as “How did humans (I) get here?” in mind, Masami set her heart on becoming a biologist one day. She then entered the world of “nature’s interpreter” and “science communicator”. After working in a science museum and accumulating experience in communication with international visitors, she relocated to the Oki Islands in 2019. Come and share a sense of wonder with Masami and her tours!

Noriko SAITO

Language: German
Affiliation: Freelance
Area: Okinoshima Town
Specialty: Townscape Walking Tours

Noriko majored in German Literature / Linguistics and Oriental Art History and obtained her M.A. at Heidelberg University in Germany. She is dedicated to the preservation of cultural properties, as her particular area of interest includes paintings and Buddhist statues. Deeply concerned about regional revitalisation, Noriko is also involved in marine and mountain conservation, participating as much as she can.

Guide Companies

There is one guide company on the Oki Islands with English-speaking guides. NPO Oki Shizen Mura provides a variety of outdoor tours, such as cycling, marine sports and hiking, and can also offer a tailor-made tour to fit your interests and needs.
*Pricing of tailor-made tours is decided upon consultation by email.

NPO Oki Shizen Mura

NPO Oki Shizen MuraExpertise: Oki Shizen Mura has highly skilled guides, very well-versed in all things nature. Other than eco-tour guiding, the organisation implements projects for nature protection and sustainable regional development and hopes to contribute to the overall development of the Oki Islands.

Click here to read an article about one of their guides, Taka!

Tour Types: hiking, walking,  e-bike, eco tours, culture and history.
Popular Routes: Ama Town Walking Tour, Ama Town Geotour

Website (Japanese): http://www.sizenmura.comThis will open in a new tab.
*Bookings must be made at least a month prior to the planned tour.